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First post in a long time

I spent about 30 minutes talking to my wife about how excited I was to do this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been excited to write online again. When I first started writing online, it was 2002. I was between jobs (what was the beginning of a 6-month hiatus from the employed world) […]

In “The Dumbest Idea in the World: Maximizing Shareholder Value,” Steve Denning writes about Roger Martin’s new book “Fixing the Game“:

“We must shift the focus of companies back to the customer and away from shareholder value,” says Martin. “The shift necessitates a fundamental change in our prevailing theory of the firm… The current theory holds that the singular goal of the corporation should be shareholder value maximization. Instead, companies should place customers at the center of the firm and focus on delighting them, while earning an acceptable return for shareholders.

Emphasis added by me. Roger Martin is the Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

Looks like I picked the right profession to be in. Fuck yeah.

The migration begins

How do I migrate posts dating back from 2002? Probably best to write a script, I guess. Most of these posts exist in a local textpattern install that I have working in VM, so I guess, the easiest thing for me would be to create an article template that mirrored the Octopress text format. It […]

Here’s the thing. Apple’s been here before. Jobs missed most of 2009, and when he returned, it was a while before he got back to full time. The product cycle continued. Existing products were improved. New products were released. Future products progressed in development. Was it the same without him? No, of course not. Did the company function just fine? Yes.

Best wishes to a true visionary.

I am hopeful that he makes a full recovery. Apple is in the strongest position on so many fronts (music, mobile, high-margin PCs). There is no better time to leave, but I wouldn’t want that. He has a few more years in him I think. Steve Jobs has really pushed my industry, User Experience, I am thankful that he has such great taste.

Should the worse happen, Apple will be fine for the next 2-years. The product development cycle is about 18-months; after that, we’ll see the true test of Apple as a company, culture, and icon.


Nokia N8 – More thoughts, Days 8 to 14

[Updated – 01/07/2011]: @WOMWorld has provided me with a replacement unit. Brilliant. Thanks Chris! I continue to feel mixed emotions when I use this phone. Symbian is like an old glove—it fits so well, but it feels a bit worn. The continuing standouts points for me about this phone are: The Camera – Stunning 720p […]

My sister got a Samsung Focus for her birthday. She’s 18, uses a Mac and lives on Facebook. She loves it. I don’t think Microsoft is targeting the hardcore geeks and power users with Windows Phone 7. I think they’re targeting the Blackberry users and first time smartphone customers who want a constant connection.

from Justin William’s review of the Samsung Focus and Windows Phone 7.

That’s how I felt as well. In particular having purchased a Samsung Focus for the UX team at Kobo and using it, it’s definitely not marketed at Android users or iPhone users. It’s for the people who are looking to move from a “Feature Phone” to a “Smartphone”. As Horace Deidu says in his asymco blog: “What history shows is that consumers have been happy to trade up to technology that offers more option value.

Nokia N8 – A Braindump of my First 7 Days

[UPDATE (01/04/2011)]: Unfortunately the phone died today. I’m working with @WOMworld to see if I can get a replacement. [UPDATE (01/07/2011)]: @WOMworld has promised to send me a new device. Thanks to @womworld for providing me with a Nokia N8 mobile phone. It’s Nokia’s top-of-the-line phone running the latest version of the Symbian OS, Symbian^3. […]

You’re missing the Big Picture. Fact is, there’s not a corporation on Earth that wouldn’t be improved by putting Steve Jobs in charge.

In response to Ray Sun’s “Why Facebook Badly Needs Steve Jobs“.

Total un-abashed Apple fan-boyism here: while Ray Sun makes some good points in his blog post, I think “@Mister Snitch!” nails here—any company, whether they build phones, make movies, make software would benefit with a CEO like Steve Jobs.

My brief encounter with the Nokia n8

Thanks to @WOMworld for inviting me to the Nokia n8 launch event held at Bang & Olufsen, Toronto. It was busier than I expected—a lot of media types there. I had a good chat with one of the reps stationed at the OVI stand. Overall, very impressive launch: Awesome camera. I mean, truly best in […]

Can’t wait to see what Symbian^3 has to offer

I was surprised to find an email from WOMWorld/Nokia (they’re a Nokia sponsored site that pretty much covers all things Nokia) gauging my interest to participate in a Meetup tomorrow. Sounds fantastic. I’ve already offered several ideas to the Symbian UI Brainstorm and have chatted with Scott W. at the Symbian Foundation. I’d love to […]

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