I write about the things I find interesting. It’s really random stuff.
Macro – Star Lilly, originally uploaded by Tai Toh. I’ve done a major upload of photos in Flickr. Here is one photo of a star lilly that I took while walking along Harbourfront in August. I’ve also added two other…
Fulfilling a Pact
4 1/2 years ago, a group of merry friends, made a pact. It was a rash decision in my opinion, however the four of us (Byron, Kevin, Dave and I) always intended to keep our word. I’m glad to say…
Server Update: GCC 4.1.1
Finally did the “emerge -uva system && emerge -uva world” on the old server to recompile everything to GCC 4.1.1. Will it improve performance? Unlikely. GCC for Intel x86 Coppermines (Pentium 3s) was pretty stable to begin with, but I…
Emulating games
I’ve grown quite used to having my PC workstation connected to my HDTV. The box is loud, hot and it adds to my hydro bill, I’m sure. However, I really like being able to swtich to a different video input…
Adobe Lightroom Beta
I downloaded the Adobe Lightroom Beta that I mentioned in my previous entry. Overall, I like it, it’s no Photoshop, but it’s definitely slick for a beta. It’s way faster than camera raw too (although very kludgy on my work…
Camera, Work and Weddings
I haven’t had much time to write much on this blog lately. I’ve been too busy with work, the wedding and life to sit and type. Even if it is therapeutic, there just doesn’t seem to be enough time; or…
Welcome back Aneil
After travelling the world for a while, Aneil has finally returned to Toronto. Welcome back buddy. We must hit Johnny’s for some burgers. -Tai
Moment of Weakness
So I bought a Nikon D70S from my buddy Cristian. I realise that Jen and I are trying to pay for a wedding, and that she already owns a Canon Digital Rebel, but I felt that it would be great…
Busy, Busy != Productivity
I was busy at work today. Unfortunately I didn’t get much work done. Busy being a manager and managing people. I’ve decided to take on the staff member from New Dehli and be his career manager. I figure if it…
The four things that are top of mind
I’ve beent thinking about 4 things recently: Performance People Growth Personal Health Passion These four things sit heavily on my brain today. I’ve grown over the past few days. 1. Performance We just finished our annual performance reviews. This process…