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Stripped down to numbers

From the “we’re all numbers” Dept.

Today I realised that my life can be deconstructed to a base of approximately 6 numbers.

I had to go and get a temporary drivers’ license today, renew my OHIP card, and then pick up some trial contact lense from my optometrist.

I go to the Ministry of Transport Ontario Vehicle licensing office, I’m the third person there. They input my license number into the computer, verify my identity and check my license renewal. I retrieve my Temporary License.

Drive to the Ministry of Health Office. Wait in line for an hour to get a ticket to wait in a second line. Show the woman behind the counter my Drivers’ License, my Social Insurance Number, and my Credit Card.

Take a picture, and will a get new OHIP card in 4-6 weeks.

Drive to the optometrist, show the receptionist my temporary OHIP card, she pulls my file, checks my prescription, gets some disposable contact lenses, I pay the fee with my debit card.

The numbers game that I played today include:

Those six numbers determine where I can go, whether or not if I can recieve health care, whether or not if I can work, what I can buy, and access to my financial information.


Talk about “objectifying the self”. Now I know what Sartre meant by Existential Angst.


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