Category: Uncategorized

  • Finally back up

    Over the past 6 months, I made a few error in judgements that have affected my ability to author stuff on the blog. I started worrying about migrating content from my blog Stupid. Really stupid. I have most of the posts available as staic HTML (it was a Movable Type powered blog). In the end,…

  • Text Editor Wars – Return of the jEdit

    UPDATE (2014-09-13): I’ve been using Sublime Text since mid-2013.  It’s so awesome. Apologies for the pithy title, but it’s so easy to use Star Wars allusions with jEdit. I discovered jEdit back in 2003, while working in my first Information Architect role back in OnX (now called Momentum). It was surprisingly fully functional, even back…

  • IKEA SLITBAR chef’s knife review

    Updated (2012/10/31) – Added some more thoughts about the knife’s usability and design aspect. Updated (2014/11/24) – Added some more thoughts after using the knife for 2 years. Updated (2017/01/02) – Another update. ASIDE: I originally started this post April 9th/2012,  but never got around to finishing it. At the time, I had just come…

  • Luma Labs Cinch Review

    I ordered the Cinch camera strap the morning that I got the email on December 26th, 2011. I’ve wanted a Luma Labs sling ever since they first came out. Thoughts after using it over the last 4 months: Stable Comfortable Easy to use Versatile Beautiful The one thing that I don’t like: No swivel. While…

  • Thinking about mathematics

    I found an amazing Quora answer on “What is it like to have an understanding of very advanced mathematics?” in my RSS at both and [blockquote] You can answer many seemingly difficult questions quickly. But you are not very impressed by what can look like magic, because you know the trick. The trick is…

  • MG Seigler: Commenting is a facade

    MG Seigler writes: Here’s the thing: while some try to paint comments as a form of democracy, that’s bullshit. 99.9% of comments are bile. I’ve heard the counter arguments about how you need to curate and manage your comments — okay, I’m doing that by not allowing any. I’m Starting to feel more comfortable leaving…

  • Ownership of what you write

    I had the opportunity to read more blogs and listen to a few podcasts this past holiday. In particular I started listening to the B & B Podcast by Benjamin Brooks and Shawn Blanc and Back to Work with Dan Benjamin and Merlin Mann. When you start consuming one media form (e.g., a blog) you…

  • Happy New Year

    To the handful of readers out there who actually read this cubbyhole of a website, Happy New Year and best wishes to you, your family and the people (or pets) you love. In the past, I’ve struggled with the end-of-year post. Is it a year-in-review post? Should I create a top 10 list? In the…

  • Finding time to write

    I’ve been thinking of the Writer’s Process and I’ve been wondering how to best optimize my time so that I can write more. Aside: It occurs to me that I really should just concentrate on writing rather than wasting time focused on things that don’t actually contribute to the content authored in this blog. I…

  • Siri, where are you?

    When I was on the plane from San Fran to Toronto, I managed to watch a Nova episode called “The Smartest Machine on Earth” about the development of Watson, IBM’s computer that bested Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter in the 3-day Jeopardy challenge. It documented the challenges of computationally interpreting the English language. For those…