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Past weekend

The past weekend was quite busy.

Free dinner at Mom and Pop’s house

Friday was dinner at my Parent’s house. A rare occasion that I must make it a point to attend more. I mean, it’s free food that I don’t have to cook. And there are always leftovers. Tonnes of leftovers.

Unfortunately, Kai was not there. So it wasn’t a full family dinner, but that just meant more food for Win, Jean, Jen and I.

Too much pork bone for this pig

Saturday Jen and I had lunch with Wendy and Henry. Henry is my accountant. Now that I’m contracting at the start-up, I needed to incorporate. We went to EHMA, a Korean restaurant near Kevin’s condo (it’s besides Asian Legends). We ordered way too much food. Word to the wise, 1 pork-bone soup/stew is good enough for two people. Between the four of us, we ordered 2 pork-bone soups, 1 kalbi rib appetizer, 1 vegetable tempura, 1 BBQ Chicken Dolsut Beebimbop, and 1 spicy chicken rice cake platter.

Too much food. Jen and I didn’t even have dinner that evening.

Taming of the Shrew at the Opera house

Jen has standing tickets with the National Ballet of Canada. We saw the opening performance of John Cranko’s 1962 version of The Taming of the Shrew. The production was originally staged by the National Ballet in 1992. Incredibly, it was underwritten by a single person – Walter Carson, O.C. That’s a 2 to 3 Million dollar investment. He must truly love the ballet.

ASIDE: Did anyone see how Guillaume Côté kissed Greta Hodgkinson at the end of the performance? Full kiss, right on the lips. I told Jen that I think they are totally doing each other. Who knows? That’s my rumor and you heard it hear first

The performance was well done. I would consider it a good starter ballet. The story is familiar to many, and the dance is comedic (e.g., the crowd actually laughs). It’s entertaining on many levels.

Due to the slapstick nature of the performances in Act 1, I admit, I was disappointed with the quality of the choreography. However, the 2 Pas de Deux dances in Act 2 were very well done. That saved it for me. Great show. Great dancing. Potentially great gossip as well.

More babies

Sunday was an open-house at Karen and Hyun’s condo. It was a great opportunity to see Isabelle Mie Jihae Choi . She’s 9 weeks old and totally fat. Cute fat.


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