WRT54G – Frequent IP address changes = Wireless drop-offs

In my last post, I was convinced that the DHCP server on the speedtouch 615 was the cause of the wireless problem. I have concluded that my original theory is wrong.

My new theory is that the dynamic IP address change from my ISP is the cause for the problems that I have been experiencing.

I run IA Dynamo off a linux box sitting in my home office connected to my DSL connection. I update my my DNS settings through a daemon / script called ddclient.

The client emails you each time an IP address change occurs.

Since I was working from the condo today, I was accutely aware of when the wireless network would collapse. Looking at my personal email, I found that the IP address had change 6 times.

Crazy! Who changes their IP address 6 times in the course of 7 hours?

Some further independent testing will have to be done, but I think I finally figured it out.



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