Tag: suckage
Nokia, you suck at UI Design
UPDATE: Started following the Maemo5 teams twitter feed. There’s a really slick Interaction Demo of the the N900. It’s impressive, but I remain unconvinced. They need to get the basics right or they will be doomed to failure. Admittedly, I want to be convinced, though. Here’s a leaked press release image of the n900 Rover.…
Why gaming on Symbian sucks
Quick response to All About Symbian’s attempt to rationalize why gaming sucks on Symbian (vs. the iPhone). I think his list is quite good. My thoughts basically echo’s the article: First off, the games are too expensive – we’re talking 3 to 5 times more expensive than your typical iPhone/iPod-touch game. Symbian is too hard…
ATI x1600 + Ubuntu 8.10 + Xorg 7.4 = Meh
I made an impulsive decision today to upgrade my Ubuntu box from 8.04 LTS to 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex). In hind sight, that was not the best move, as I didn’t do any research, just made a slight change in the System -> Administration -> Software Sources application and hit the upgrade to 8.10. The reality…
Where is the Drupal Joy?
[stag_intro]I realise that with any system there will always be challenges and new things to learn. The “Drupal Way” is very different from the “Tao of Textpattern”. Even today, I struggle to get the underlying concepts for how things are done in Drupal.[/stag_intro] I have always stood by the adage of using the “right tool…
Quote on Drupal and the cluster that is theming
Finding the source can be difficult to track down due to the hierarchy of theming calls whose source can be spread throughout the whole system. From Overriding themable output | drupal.org regarding drupal theming Wow. There is a startling admisssion. Even Drupal admits that theming is a bit hairy.
Why are Drupal themes so unspectacular
I don’t intend for this to be trolling, but I was googling the term “Drupal is ugly” looking for why most of the themes which are formally submitted to drupal.org are so, umm, un-inspiring. This found an interesting blog post from a well known Drupal developer AND designer who quit his involvement earlier this year. The post…