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Ad-Blocking: users are revolting

There has been a lot of great writing across the Web regarding advertising and the ethical nature of ad-blocking software with the recent release of iOS9 and its new Safari Content Blocking features.  Unsurprisingly, ad-blocking software quickly rose to the top of paid apps on iOS. Content providers quickly responded: I’ve been running ad-blocking software for years. […]

When I was at PC World, I explained to anyone who’d listen that our editorial strategy was pretty simple: We had to be a Web site that had a magazine, not a magazine that had a Web site. That philosophy affected the decisions we made in 10,000 different ways. And it’s nice to see revenue figures that validate that approach.

Harry reports that 38 percent of PC World’s Ad revenue comes from online—tops in AA’s special report. His quote doesn’t surprise me. I saw this trend back in 2007 with newspapers like the Globe and Mail whose online redesign totally affected the layout and presentation of the hard copy newspaper.

Pixels & Widgets

A blog by Tai Toh