Category: Uncategorized

  • Mac Vs. the PC. To Serve or Not to Serve?

    From the “I’ll Show you Fast!!!” Dept. Hi there. What’s faster, A Dual-1Ghz PowerMac, or a similarly priced x86-based computer? Recently two articles were published by two reputable sources pitting Mac-based and x86-based (AMD/Intel) hardware against one another. The MacNightOwl wrote a rather interesting article using the famous “Photoshop-bake-offs” demonstrated by Steve Jobs, CEO of…

  • Weekend Review: Roxy Blu, BBQ, Jen’s Co-workers

    From the “Roxy Blu Blues” Dept. So this Friday, Aneil, Eric, Cris, Flo, Le, Rob, Warren, Rinki, Joyce and I went out to Roxy Blu. It was okay. I wasn’t a fan of the music that they were playing. The DJs were mixing these Retro, 70’s inspired, Fusion Jazz House beats. It wasn’t bad, but…

  • Two Interesting Facts

    From the “Psychomotor Repository” Dept.” Hey all, Just wanted to talk about two facts that I found out recently…something that I’ve been wondering for years… Sometimes as I lie in bed, right before I fall asleep—I’ll jerk up awake in a rather violent “twitch”. Now I know that this doesn’t sound to interesting, in fact,…

  • My Mac Infactuation: The Bait and Switch

    From the “Mac’s are sooo much more expensive than a PC” Dept. Hi all, Just wanted to rant about how my favourite computer company is doing some very bad things to its loyal supporters. In December 2001 I purchased a top of the line iBook from Apple Computer for just over $3000 CDN. Specs for…

  • Week(s) in Review: Wasaga to TONIC

    Hey all, I’ve think I’ve vacuumed my house 3 times since I got the Hoover. The floors seem to be bereft of dust (human skin cells now). That’s definitely a good thing. Some things that have happened since I last wrote: I finished my contract at Critical Path; Update: Just got paid (Tuesday) working on…

  • Battle against the Dust-Bunnies

    From the “Eek, my house is filthy” Dept. Hi All, Another untimely update from your friendly, neighborhood Usability Specialist. Last week, I was in the zone, working like a madman to finish my deliverables for Critical Path. Whew…sometimes, I have to admit, I even manage to impress myself. I was really focused, and super productive.…

  • My Long Weekend: Day 2 of 3

    From the “Canada Day Long Weekend” Dept. Well, it’s 11:30pm Sunday night. It is Day 2 of my 3 day long weekend. I have to admit, it’s very difficult to work when you’re suppose to be on holiday. I’ve managed to complete 1 1/2 reports of the 4 reports that are suppose to be done.…

  • Working Brain

    From the “Infrequent Blogging” Dept. It’s sunny, no humidity—a nice day. It’s a very comfortable 27ºC. I don’t want to work…I don’t think anybody in the office want’s to work. Lots of stuff has happened over the past two-plus weeks that I since wrote in my log. My work at Critical Path has gotten much…

  • The Barenaked Circus Debacle

    From the “How could we of known” Dept. So I went to the “Barenaked Circus” Concert at the Molson Amphitheatre with Jen, Natasha, Cris, Mae, Jamie, Karim and Sarah. The tickets said 4pm, so we arrived at the gates at 3:10pm, lined up and went in. The concert did start at 4pm, but it wasn’t…

  • Coolness factor, I did save Mike’s iBook, and the Bier Market.

    From the “I am 2 times more cool now” Dept. I woke up today and packed my clothes up because I was to spend the night at Jen’s House today. We also promised that we’d go running tonight too. So I packed my shooes and stuff. Today i decided to wear a thumb ring and…