Category: Uncategorized
Hardware Blues
From the “Win98se to Linux and back again” Dept. I’ve been playing around with the ol’ Pentium 200mmx. I’m trying to get it ready to go live again for Family use (probably as Kai’s personal computer). I thought that this would be a perfect time to install Linux on the computer. It’s a a fully…
Announcements; Moving On Up
From the “Announcement 1” Dept. I had a great time in Collingwood this past weekend. It was unfortunate that I had to work on Sunday and Monday. It was a crazy time. I wish I could write more about it, but what happens at the cottage, stays at the cottage. From the “Announcement 2” Dept.…
Burnt out; 2:00 am
From the “Feeling a little off” Dept. It’s 2:00 am. I feel like crap. I am stuck in this spiral of depreciating physical fitness. It’s really starting to get to me. From the “My Kung Fu is better than your Kung Fu” Dept. Last week, I was talking to Lambert, Thip’s boyfriend. He started taking…
More Ciphers? A new adventure.
From the “Interesting Email” Dept. I received a comment today on my weblog regarding The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown; a book that Jen gave me. To recap, here is a quote from a past blog: It’s an interesting premise. Leonardo Da Vinci has placed a series of codes and ciphers in his works…
Progress Update: New Site Validates!
From the “Moving forward, never backwards” Dept. News Flash! My beta site finally validates: My new site Things to do: Need a new logo Need to reorganize site layout to remove extranneous pages and content Create Templates for other pages and remove Javascript pop-ups. Relay out the page using CSS2 and inclusion/exclusion techniques Get text…
New Books: Exciting.
From the “I don’t think it turns anyone’s crank but mine” Dept. So I ordered two books from Designing With Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman Speed Up Your Site: Web Site Optimization by Andrew B. King I know that they don’t sound too interesting, but I’m hyped. They should arrive Friday. Cheers, Tai
5 Km Run.
From the “Harder, Faster, Stronger” Dept. Ran 5 Km with my brother and his girlfriend. It was pretty bad. I’ve been so sporadic with my running that it’s really become quite umbearable at times. I should really try to get out more often. From the “Fatty, Fat, Fat, Fat” Dept. I weighed myself today: 160…
To all my female friends.
From the “This is what my coworkers and I talk about” Dept. Before I forget, I just wanted to relay to all my female friends a simple strategy to help you cope with your boyfriends/husbands. My coworkers and I were talking about arguments with our “better” halves. Margaret, who is married, said that her husband…
Fun Facts about Me; Not so funny, I think.
From the “Okay, I might as well do it” Dept. I received this email quiz about me. Rather than reply, I figured it would be a good blog subject. Read below: What time is it? 12:13 AM EST Name: Tai Name as it appears on birth certificate: <redacted> Nicknames: Yip, Yipster, Yippy-Ki-Yay. Number of candles on…
Cools Sites; CSS.
From the “I am stupefied and amazed” Dept.” I don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone, but you guys have to check out this site: CSS Zen Garden It really showcases what you can do with Cascading Style Sheets. All the page variations are based off the same HTML content. It’s amazing…