Author: ttoh

  • Remembering the past few days; a retrospect

    Seems I’ve been too lax on the update of my weblog. From the “When Information Dies” Dept. I’ve always sucked at keeping a journal. Unknownst to most, I actually kept a journal for my last year of High School and the first year of University. It’s a long text file that resides on the old…

  • First Page Up.

    Hey all, you can see the first page of pixels and widgets. I tried to keep simple and elegant. None of the other pages are up, but they will look rather similar I think. Now If I can only get the damn weblog to appear properly. Cheers, Tai.

  • thoughts on Human Factors

    Cam Ngo mentioned something in passing that I wanted to touch-base upon. Here’s a brief excerpt of an conversation that we had. Tai Toh says: Good luck….btw, have you started reading the book we gave you? Dem Canucks can skate (y) says: yep Dem Canucks can skate (y) says: Pretty interesting Tai Toh says: nice. Dem Canucks can skate…

  • A late night conversation with Jen

    It’s 3:00 am, Sunday, February 24th, 2002. I had just gotten into bed after watching a late night show of MissionHill (a cartoon from the Canadian version of CartoonNetwork, Teletoon). Jen started talking in her sleep. This is what she said: Jen: What animal did you put? Tai: WHAT?! Jen: What animal did you put?…

  • Proud to be a KINadian and all that jazz.

    Today was an exciting day for Hockey fans across North America. Yes, even for the Americans; it was a great game. Canada ended up with 17 medals this year, besting our showing in Nagano by two (and with 6 gold medals to boot). Not too shabby. Got to love it. Had an interesting experience while…

  • Things that I do for my girlfriend

    Good day folks. I like to think of myself as an open kind of guy, willing to experience new things, sensations, etc. However, I continually amaze myself by just how far I’m willing to go. Take tonight for instance: I’m going to “Les Ballet jazz de MontrŽeal“ with Jen. Apparently, “The company has always been…

  • On Canadian Hockey, Spanish Food, and Keeping in touch with others

    Ah, a glorious morning here in TO. Right now, as any good Canadian would tell you, the entire country is focused on the Men’s National Hockey Team and their late night victory over Finland. I’m amazed at the feelings that a simple hockey game can arouse: Anger, Fear, Elation–all that and more packed down into…

  • First Post

    If only making a weblog were easier. Nap time for me. Will write more when I have the chance. Cheers, Tai