Author: ttoh

  • Corporate Anthems, Security, and a new Fitts’ UI tool.

    From the “Let’s all sing a long” Dept. I was trolling through the web—NO, I was NOT surfing for porn!—and I found this site that catalogues the 20 Best Corporate Anthems. Too Funny! Actually, I have to wonder: “What were these people thinking?” My personal theory is that there was a bit of “Keeping up…

  • Garth Fagan Dance

    From the “Taking an interest into what Jen, my GF likes” Dept. For Jen’s Birthday, I bought her tickets to Garth Fagan Dance at the Harbourfront Centre yesterday. He is a Tony Award winning choreographer (his most recent success being the Lion King) from NY State University. When Jen and I went to see Les…

  • Blowing off some steam

    From the “I just don’t understand my Father” Dept. Hi all, Just want to remark about an incident that happened today, but in order for you to best understand what I’m going through, you’ll need some background about my family. My Parents moved here in 1973, they’ve worked hard to ensure a reasonably high quality…

  • Some interesting links on Design

    From the “Design and ERGOnomical” Dept. Just wanted to spread the word about a few things that I have been reading of late. The first is a good article in Business 2.0 by Robert Partks entitled ““Great-Looking Product (Too Bad Nobody Wants It)—Why good design is not always good business”. Interesting read whereby he lists…

  • Whatchya gonna do…?

    From the “Wrestlemania” Dept. It’s 4:20 am in the morning, and I needed to write down my experience at this year’s Wrestlemania (my first major wrestling event) at Toronto’s Skydome. The match of the day was the Rock againstHollywood Hulk Hogan. I wasn’t expecting much to be honest. The Rock is, and I quote, “The…

  • Slight Technical Difficulties

    From the “I am so Dumb” Dept. Warning: The contents of this blog are highly technical My weblog was down for about 12 hours lastnight and today. This morning I went into my webjournal admin page to edit only to find this: CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted Execution of (investig8) is not…

  • Skeletons in the Closet

    From the “Cleaning my Closet” Dept. Started cleaning out my closet just after lunch. Some of the things that I found: A bag full of Plastic Bags An old RC control Car from Radio Shack A mint condition G.I. Joe, Cobra B.A.T. Old assignments from Kindergarten to about Grade 1 Book 3 – Boats to…

  • Update on the X-box Controller

    From the “ERGOnomical” Dept. In a recent blog called Remembering the past few days; a retrospect, I mentioned my satisfaction with a newly redesigned controller for the Japanese version of the X-Box. I recently found out more details about this new controller, and to my surprised, Microsoft has decided to sell these controllers in the…

  • The Brotherhood of the Stag

    From the “Who will get married first” Dept. This particular log is meant to immortalize a pact between three friends — Three Men. Oh, and Dave was thrown in too. So that’s FOUR men. Count ‘em, four men. The following are excerpts from an MSN chat I had with Byron and Kevin: It started with…

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Jen and I watched A.I. yesterday—Stanley Kubrick, as realised by Steven Spielberg. It was a wholly forgetable movie. Except for Teddy. Jen liked Teddy. But I think most women are prone to like fuzzy, cute things. Anyways, as I was telling Kevin—better yet, I’ll just show you the MSN Log: Cheers, Tai