Author: ttoh

  • More details :: Toh-Bro Eco Challenge 2002

    From the “Weather” Dept. Looks like things are picking up for Toh-Bro Eco Challenge 2002. I got this from Environment Canada: Text Forecast  from Environment Canada Algonquin: Issued 11.00 AM EDT Tuesday 23 April 2002 Friday :: A mix of sun and cloud. Low 2. High 11. Saturday :: Sunny. Low plus 1. High 12.…

  • Into the Woods.

    From the “Freeze my ass in Algonquin” Dept. Hi all (‘all’ meaning the 10 or 12 of you who read this weblog), I’‘ve actually planned a trip into Algonquin Park this coming weekend with my brother and his friends. It was suppose to be six of us, but Leo (my partner) backed out two days…

  • Spreading some creamy, UI goodness

    From the “So ERGOnomical, it hurts” dept “UI Goodness” is an affectionate term for good User Interface Design that my former co-worker, Mike, would often say. I admire Mike; he’s an artist and a geek. Unfortunately, I can only emulate the latter. On the topic of UI goodness, I saw a few things on the…

  • Friday Night at Roxy Blu – Garage416

    From the “high school flashback” Dept. Went clubbing last night at Roxy Blu. Had a good time. A lot of Waterloo people there. A lot of old high school chums. Seeing all those people brought back a lot of memories from university and high school. Back in high school, I was what some people, most…

  • Three Wonderful Years.

    From the “I Love Jennifer So” Dept. I just want to say that the past three years with Jen have been great. I am only so lucky to have found a girlfriend that understands me as well as she; how I love her so. To meet a person that I can love, and for someone…

  • Grandmother

    I saw my grandmother yesterday. For those of you who don’t know my grandmother, she is 87 years-old and underwent total-hip replacement surgery on Jan 11th to repair (well, replace actually) her left hip which suffered a spiral fracture after a fall in December. I took her to the hospital for her post-operation checkup (she’s…

  • Stuff.

    Hey all, I upgraded to the newest version of MovableType, the PERL-based engine that renders my weblog. Some headaches with the upgrade, although I think things work. I’ll eventually wipe the site and rebuild. I finally seemed to have broken the inertia that has kept me from finishing this site, so you should be seeing…

  • Long time, No Blog

    From the “I’m too bored to blog” Dept. Hey All Anyways, I’ve done a lot in the past few days. Saw Monsoon Wedding (the first “Bollywood” movie I’ve seen in the theatres), and damn, I need to get some more “brown“ friends, because if that movie is any indication, Hindu (or is it Hindi..please correct…

  • Update

    Fixed a small spelling mistake that Christine pointed out. Tai

  • Fitts Law Revealed

    For those of you who don’t know what Fitts’ Law is, all I can say is that Fitts’ Law maintains that “movement time” can be mathematically expressed as a function of the distance travelled and the size of the target. More specifically, MT = K log2(A / W + 1), where K is a constant…