Author: ttoh
A Most Wondrous Shareware App
From the “Highly Technical and Esoteric” Dept. Okay guys, you’ve been warned. For the past few days, I’ve been using a most wondrous shareware app. It’s a called LaunchBar, and it’s only for Mac OS 10.1. What does it do? It eliminates most of the mousing that I have to do on my iBook. How…
Lunch, Tired Feet, Mental Clarity
Lunch It’s Lunch time right now, for me at least. I realise that most people don’t eat lunch at 2:00 pm in the afternoon, but that seems to be the time I get hungry here are Critical Path. I wish I could show you guys some of the stuff I’m working on. It’s light years…
End of the Day at CP
Well, it’s nearing the end of the day here at CP. I’m sitting at the same desk, typing on the same computer—it’s almost like nothing has changed. My task here is definitely daunting, and will prove to be very challenging over the next 6 weeks. I have to analyse the product suite that CP produces.…
Back at CP
So I started (or perhaps “re-started” is a better word) work at CP again. Its a small contract for two, possibly three user tests over a 6-week period. A part of me hopes that it will be extended beyond that, but since it took 5 ½ months for my cracker-jack, 6-week contract to come through,…
Pocari Sweat, Flo’s B-day, Introspection
From “Japanese Drink Emporium” Dept. So I tried Pocari Sweat today. It has the faint smell of grapefruit juice. It tastes like watered down grape fruit juice, but has a very smooth finish. No discernable acidity or bitterness. There’s a delicate balance of sweetnes and saltiness in play. Over all, it’s very flat (like distilled…
Gifts from Japan
From the “Japan Theme Blog today” Dept. Hi all, Took an extended break from the blog. Nothing really to blog about. Last week: Went out with Byron to find a Mashimaro for his girlfriend Kim. Went to Pacific Mall (a hop, jump and a step from where I live). My take on Mashimaro? Well, from…
Spider-Man :: The Movie
From the “Does what ever a spider can” Dept. Hey you “Spidey Fans”, I saw Spider-man: The movie with Ann, Dominic, Leo, Clement, Vicky, and Sheila. I’d have to say that it’s the most watchable comic book adaptation I’ve ever seen on the big-screen. The “most watchable”? Well, it isn’t the best, but I think…
Off I Go.
From the “Damn it’s early” Dept. Hey all, Woke up at 5:30am today. Blah. There’s snow on the ground. Blah. I’ll be back Sunday. Hope things go well. Happy Birthday Win. Cheers, Tai
Toh-Bro Eco Challenge 2002 :: Team Profile
From the “Choosing a Team Name” Dept. I mentioned that the five of us needed a team name. I’ve been thinking long and hard about this, but nothing has come up. From the “Team Profile” Dept. Unfortunately I was too busy today to get this part of my blog up and running. I had to…
Toh-Bro Eco-Challenge 2002 Update :: Route and Food
From the “Mapping and Orienteering” Dept. For those of you who are curious, I’ve scanned in some images of the route that me, my brother and his friends are taking. We’re leaving the house at 6:30 am, Friday. We’ll be entering Algonquin’s West-Gate (Red Arrow), just northeast of Dorset, Ontario. Day 1: The team will…