More Ciphers? A new adventure.

From the “Interesting Email” Dept.

I received a comment today on my weblog regarding The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown; a book that Jen gave me. To recap, here is a quote from a past blog:

It’s an interesting premise. Leonardo Da Vinci has placed a series of codes and ciphers in his works of art. The main protagonist must solve the code + fend off hostile attacks from a “secret society”.

In my blog, I had noted that there was a cipher hidden in the front and rear leaflets that spelled out this cryptic message:

“Is there no help for the Widow’s Son?”
**Note: Punction added by me.

If you google for this term, you’ll get results about the links between Mormonism and the cult of Jupiter or the Free Masons. Specifically, you’ll find references the founder of the Mormons (and the Latter Day Saints), prophet Joseph Smith.

I received an email stating:

“As the certified first person in the world to find the secret message on ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ I welcome you to the small circle of true code breakers. So far the members are Me, Dan Brown, and Jason Kaufman, who designed the dust jacket. You too could be next if you solve the remaining cyphers in ‘The Da Vinci Code.’ I’ve been google-ing ‘is there no help…’ waiting for another keen observer, and so far you are the only one. Good luck with the other cyphers.”

Does this mean that there is another cipher encoded in the pages of the book?

I’ll have to find out.




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