
Hey all,

I upgraded to the newest version of MovableType, the PERL-based engine that renders my weblog. Some headaches with the upgrade, although I think things work.

I’ll eventually wipe the site and rebuild.

I finally seemed to have broken the inertia that has kept me from finishing this site, so you should be seeing a few pages beginning to trickle in.

Some things:

  • Listening to an old song by a British band called Ash — girl from Mars
  • Some weird dreams: Baseball. Thunderstorm. Several tornadoes landing in my backyard, threatening my family but resulting in the decimation of all the fences dividing my neighbhors and us; green grass after the storm—I guess that’s positive, right?
  • Jen and I are celebrating our 3-year anniversary tomorrow.

Well, I have to go cut the shag that is my hair.




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