5 Km Run.

From the “Harder, Faster, Stronger” Dept.

Ran 5 Km with my brother and his girlfriend. It was pretty bad. I’ve been so sporadic with my running that it’s really become quite umbearable at times. I should really try to get out more often.

From the “Fatty, Fat, Fat, Fat” Dept.

I weighed myself today: 160 lbs. Not too bad. I’ve somehow managed to lose about 5 – 8 lbs.

Not that I noticed it.

It was a nice surprise.

From the “What do you want to be…”

Back when I was a kid, I wanted to be a firefighter. Then I wanted to be a scientist; a chemist specifically. I never really wanted to be a doctor, and for about 2 months, I wanted to be a Physiotherapist (my 1st co-op killed that idea).

I’m 25 working as the lead Information Architect for one of North America’s largest automotive companies.

That’s pretty neat.

Have I peaked yet? I certainly hope not. One thing I must say. I certainly don’t find it boring. However, I don’t know where this will really lead.
