World Community Grid – CPU Volunteerism

I’ve started running some distributed computer programs using the excess computer hardware here at the condo. My dual-proc workstation and dual-proc linux server are normally idling 24/7. Figured I put it towards a good cause: The World Community Grid Project.

World Community Grid’s mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals – like you – collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

Research projects can submit proposals for review. If accepted, they share time on the grid (currently 213,677 devices, 130,957 members at the moment).

ASIDE: I would love to know the number of teraflops that the grid is running at.

The great thing about the project is that projects can actually finish. The Human Proteome Folding started in November 2004, is about ~50% done. With new members coming online all the time, the project should be finished well before its 2 year anniversary. That’s awesome.

The second project is called FightAIDS@Home. It “focused on using computation methods to identify candidate drugs that have the right shape and chemical characteristics to block HIV protease.”

More information can be found on the World Grid Community project page.

