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Labour Day Review: Zoo and Tdot White Party

From the “We are all Animals” Dept.

Jen and I had a great time at the zoo. If we had gone earlier, the animals would have been more active. Jen was impressed, as was I.

We really liked the prarie dogs. Two were sleeping on top of each other, much like Jen and I do when we take a nap. It’s nice to see animal analogues to human behaviour.

Primates rock! The gorillas are very cool indeed. Especially the babies. I’m fortunate that “sitting on someone’s head” is not appropriate in this day and age (seemed fine for the gorillas though). Oh, gorillas don’t seem to have any problems picking each other’s bums either.

Glad I’m not a gorilla.

From the “Tdot whitey party” Dept.

Went out to Cris’s Tdot White Party – it was cool…kind of fcuk’d me over for work on Monday – Yes, I went to work on Monday.


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