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Norwalk Virus: Epilogue

Feeling like Sunshine

Well, I’m not totally fine yet, but the major symptoms have stopped. I still have some minor gastritis (READ: GAS), but no more diarrhea—thank goodness.

Over the last 72 hours, I’ve completely lost track of how many “bathroom breaks” I’ve taken. However, one thing that is interesting to note is that I have lost 7 pounds.

Now, I know that most of this is probably water, but hey, if it isn’t, I may have found a new, patent-able diet routine: the Norwalk Diet Plan.


Lose 6 pounds in 2 days through an intense regimen of fasting and purging—brought to you by the infamous Norwalk Virus. Thousands of people all over the world have tried it! It works!


Ahh, I can see the millions rolling in now. Bling! Bling!

I know I’m making light of the situation. I really shouldn’t. Hell, there were times when I was so weak and dehydrated, I could barely take a sip of water. However, hindsight being 20|20, it’s easy for me to poke fun at the experience, although I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone. To have all four of the symptoms occuring at high frequency and intensity: Nausea, Diarrhea, Cramping, and Vomiting—it’s crazy.

This will truly be a memorable Christmas Season.


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